
Embassy of Bolivia

Office Adress:
Liang Ma he(South)No.14 2-3-2 Tayuan Diplomatic Building Chaoyang Dist.
Post Code:100600
Working hours:M-F 8:30-12:30 13:30-17:30

Introduction Bolivia

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The Plurinational State of Bolivia
Bolivia is constituted as a free, independent, sovereign, democratic, intercultural, decentralized and autonomous Unitary Social State of Plurinational Community Law, based on plurality and political, economic, legal, cultural and linguistic pluralism, within the integration process of the country.

The city of Sucre is the Constitutional capital of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and seat of the Judiciary. 

The seat of government is the city of La Paz, where the Executive and Legislative Branches are located. 

map-efemerideOn August 6, 1825, the Act of Independence was signed, defining the birth of a new republic with five provinces: Chuquisaca (Sucre), Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Potosí and La Paz.
mapa-ubicacionThe Plurinational State of Bolivia, is located in the heart of South America, between 57° 26′ and 69° 38′ west longitude of the Greenwich meridian and parallels 9° 38′ and 22° 53′ south latitude, covering more than 13 geographic degrees, bordering Brazil to the north and northeast, Peru to the northwest, Paraguay to the southeast, Argentina to the south and Chile to the west and southwest. It has an area of 1,098,581 m2.

The country is divided into:

  • 9 departments
  • 112 provinces
  • 314 sections of provinces
  • 1.384 cantons

The total population is 10,426,154 (2010 projection), with a demographic density of 8.76 inhabitants per km2 .

64.74% (2006 projection) of the population is in the cities.

mapa-climaThe Bolivian territory has a variety of climates depending on the geographic the plains, the climate is warm and humid with average temperatures of 25C° C (77° F) and altitudes ranging from 200 to 400 m/snm. In the valleys, the climate is temperate and dry with average temperatures of 15° C (50° F) and an altitude ranging from 1000 to 3000 m/snm.The altiplano has average temperatures ranging from 0° to 10° C (40° F) and an average altitude of 3500 m/snm.For its biodiversity 65% of the territory is plains, 15% valleys and 20% altiplano.
 mapa-religionThe Plurinational State of Bolivia is independent of religion and respects and guarantees freedom of religion and spiritual beliefs, in accordance with its worldviews.
mapa-idiomaThe official languages of the State are Spanish and all the languages of the indigenous native peasant nations and peoples, which are: Aymara, Araona, Baure, Bésiro, Canichana, Cavineño, Cayubaba, Chácobo, Chimán, Ese Ejja, Guaraní, Guarasuawe, Guarayu, Itonama, Leco, Machajuyai-Kallawaya, Machineri, Maropa, mojeño-trinitario, mojeño-ignaciano, moré, mosetén, movima, pacawara, puquina, quechua, sirionó, tacana, tapiete, toromona, uruchipaya, weenhayek, yaminawa, yuki, yuracaré and zamuco...
 mapa-horaThe official time in relation to Greenwich Mean Time is 4 hours off (GMT - 4).
 mapa-votoThe minimum voting age is 18 years old.
 mapa-monedasThe currency denomination is the PESO BOLIVIANO and its abbreviation is ( Bs.).bills (paper money) are divided into cuts of: Bs. 10, 20, 50, 50, 100, 200.Coins: There are coins for smaller transactions of Bs. 10, 20 and 50 cents. Also coins of Bs. 1, 2, and 5.
 mapa-tarjetasVisa and Master Card are the most widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and some stores, as well as with checks from national banks and certified foreign banks, as well as with U.S. dollars. In addition, most banks have ATM machines where you can withdraw money with your credit card.
 mapa-electricElectric power is 220 volts, except in the department of La Paz where there is 110 and 220 volts...
  • New Year's Day: January 1st;
  • Plurinational State Foundation Day: 22 January;
  • Carnival: (Movable date);
  • Good Friday: (Movable date);
  • Labor Day: May 1st;
  • Corpus Christi: (Movable date);
  • Andean Amazonian New Year: June 21;
  • National Anniversary: August 6;
  • All Saints Day: November 2;
  • Christmas: December 25.
 mapa-sferiado02Civic Anniversaries:
  • Oruro: February 10;
  • Tarija: April 15;
  • Chuquisaca (Sucre): May 25;
  • La Paz: July 16;
  • Cochabamba: September 14;
  • Santa Cruz: September 24;
  • Pando: October 1;
  • Potosí: November 10;
  • Beni: November 18.
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